Local band gains national attention

Local band gains national attention

Connor Bulka, Staff Writer

Joshua Epstein and Daniel Zott are the creative minds behind the emerging indie pop band they call JRJR. Late September, the duo released their newest album titled from their newly refurbished name, as earlier compared to Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., they shortened it to the cleaner JRJR. The band was formed out of Joshua Epstein’s basement in Royal Oak, Mich. in late 2009, where there was no intention of it ever surfacing to the public. The unique and high energy music quickly caught attention of many producers and record labels landing them their first album in 2011. From there on the band has had continuous growth, along with an ever growing fan base.

In late November, JRJR, performed at the Royal Oak Music theatre accompanied by a roaring audience. It was the first time in months they played close to their hometown, and since they were last there they had gained much more attention.

Their style has a unique and inviting flavor good for anyone looking for an energetic or reminiscent feeling left in their head after they’re done listening. Their new album’s first single “Gone” has attracted national attention, and has continued to rise on the Alt-Nation top tracks list. The song contrasts the sense of individuality with a flare of energy throughout, making it one of their most popular tracks to date.

Along with their new single, some other notable songs of theirs are “James Dean” and “It’s a Corporate World.” For many, these songs create a sense of excitement with an undoubtedly strong hint of individuality that may or may not cause your true rebellious self to come out a little.