How colors affect mood

Do they really have an influence?


Students share the impact colors have on their moods. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

Maggie Rhymstett, Staff Writer

Pablo Picasso is best known for his unique painting style, which can be described as being colorful and abstract. An example of this is the piece called Girl Before a Mirror. When a person looks at such a painting, he or she can feel a certain way depending on the colors in it. Different people react to certain colors in various ways. Some relate  their favorite color with happiness or the color they hate with anger. Regardless, it is extremely common for humans to feel a certain way because of a color.

Generally, it is ordinary for people to feel happy when they see warm colors like red, orange and yellow.

“When I see warm colors I feel happy,” sophomore Maddie Lawson said. “I associate warm colors with actual warmth, so I think of summer, which makes me happy.”

Cooler colors, such as green, blue and purple, make people feel a certain way, too.

“When I see cool tone colors I feel happy and breezy,” senior Stacy Doci said.

Generally speaking, bluish colors are associated with sadness.

“I feel sad when I see blue because I associate it with coldness, and I don’t like cold,” Lawson said.

Blue is the color of the ocean, so some could also associate it with being calm.

“Blue makes me feel calm and relaxed,” senior Micaela Espedido said.

These differences in opinions can be found in the way people view light and dark colors as well.

“I generally feel anxious and sad when I see dark colors, unless it’s on clothing,” Doci said. “I feel really happy and free when I see white and pastel colors.”

However, colors can also trigger a memory of a childhood or be associated with a certain holiday.

“I think of Easter when I see light pastel colors or white,” Espedido said.

Regardless, all colors can be thought of differently when shopping for clothes or picking out an outfit for an event.

“I think everyone can react a certain way to colors but when they’re put onto clothes the reaction is totally different,” Doci said. “A lot of different people wear black every day, but it doesn’t trigger sad emotions, usually.”