RHS Sports Captains Read to Elementary School Children

Lauren Wroza, Staff Writer

Rochester High School takes immense pride in its students. Many of which choose to pursue athletics, hence why RHS has so many successful student athletes. Although, very few athletes are given the title of team captain. These individuals (normally seniors) are designated as leaders and can act as almost assistant coaches. Dean Allen, Rochester High School’s athletic director, brought all of the captains together for Captain’s Club. The club’s purpose is to cultivate high achieving athletes to continue to show their leadership and commitment through community work.
The club had multiple meetings for its fall captains, each with different discussion topics and even a meeting with special guest Mayor Brian Barnett. Led by Mr. Allen, the captains learned about leadership and were able to hear from the other fall sports captains. One of the Varsity Tennis captains, Sid Rangarajan, explained the purpose of the meetings.

“We gained some perspective outside of our own sport,” said Rangarajan. “Whether it be into the other sports (offered at RHS) or in life in general.” These meetings were extremely beneficial for collaboration between different sports and athletes. Learning about the leadership necessary to be a revered captain takes forms both in and out of RHS. In their most recent community service project, the captains raked leaves for members of the OPC. They spent a few hours driving to different locations in the Rochester area, raking and socializing with the other captains. Mr. Allen commented about the impact of this event.

“You could see the happiness and appreciation in the homeowners faces when we were done.” He recognizes the importance of RHS students getting out in their community for the benefit of both parties. One of the Varsity Swim captains, Lissa Cruz Romero, believed that it was a reflection of our character at RHS.

“Captains elevate the school’s involvement in its community just like we do in a match, meet, or game and how we prioritize the good of the community.” Another community service activity towards the beginning of the year consisted of each sports captain visiting elementary schools to read and spend time with students. They went to various schools in the district and some even got to go to their former schools. Besides hopefully inspiring future student athletes, Drew Lenard, a Cross Country captain believes there are other benefits.

“You’re put into a position in which all eyes are on you in the room, much like how you are with your team before a big race or a hard workout.” Even though it’s a much younger audience, it still takes confidence. Along with the qualifications that captains already presented that lent them to their positions, the captain’s club gives them further skills. Cruz added on the importance of the club.

“Captain’s club adds to a captain’s quality of involvement, self awareness, and passion.” Captains are such a celebrated role at RHS and the help of staff members like Mr. Allen has only made them better. They are a crucial part of the RHS athletic culture.