Falcon favorites: holiday movies

How do your favorites compare to other students?

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Sonja Hansell, Staff Writer

Many students’ Christmas film opinions seem to stem from nostalgia. Senior Alyssa Muncy shares her favorite childhood holiday movie. 

“I’ve been watching The Muppets since I was really little because my parents both love Jim Henson, so The Muppet Christmas Carol is probably one of my favs just for nostalgia’s sake,” Muncy said. 

“My favorite is either Elf or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” freshman Stephanie Bulat said. “I grew up watching Elf, and Christmas Vacation is my Mom’s favorite, so our family has watched it more often in the last couple years.” 

Senior Lauren Teats gives a similar reason for her favorite. “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, because me and my family watch it every year for as long as I can remember, and it’s super funny.”

The theater department recently put on Elf: The Musical. Senior Skyler Janiszewski, who played Buddy’s dad in the play, said, “After being a part of Elf: The Musical at Rochester, I’m biased, but I really love the story as a whole. It’s cute, funny, and a really interesting concept. Overall, a wonderful spin on something so timeless like Christmas.” 

Many students agree with Skyler’s opinion on Elf. In fact, when given a choice between Elf and five other classic holiday films, Elf was preferred the most by far. 

“It’s funny and makes me laugh,” sophomore Wyatt Perkins said. 

Other students have more unconventional taste, citing The Nightmare before Christmas as their favorite Christmas film. 

“All time would probably be A Nightmare Before Christmas,” senior Erielle Ocampo said.

“I like it because it combines my two favorite holidays AND it puts a new twist on normal Christmas movies.”

There are also plenty of differing opinions between classmates. Junior Randy Herfi says he loves The Polar Express because “I grew up loving it and it just stuck out to me,” whereas student Anna-Maria Cucco disagrees, “It makes no sense and I had to watch it too many times in elementary school.”

Whatever your opinions are, take the time this holiday season to snuggle up on the couch with a mug of hot cocoa and enjoy YOUR favorite Christmas movies with your family and friends!