Home for the holidays?

Where do staff and students of RHS prefer to spend the holidays?

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons and Wiki Commons

Stephanie Bulat, Staff Writer

“There’s no place like home for the holidays” according to Perry Como’s hit Christmas song, and Rochester students and staff seem to agree.

With the upcoming holiday season comes a holiday break for students and staff around the world. Here at Rochester, most people are doing something this holiday break, whether it has them staying home or traveling. While many students are doing each, staying home for the holidays to spend time with family and friends is definitely the popular preference among students and staff. 

Freshman Huxley Pillars-Capoccia agrees with that statement. “I prefer staying home, for sure,” he expressed. “I can go sledding and hang out with friends without stress.”

The stress of traveling is a factor that makes more people want to stay home. The holidays can be less relaxed when you are trying to get somewhere in time. “Staying home is better,” history teacher Mrs. Thomas said in an interview. “I just get to relax and not worry about packing, and unpacking, and moving everywhere.” 

Some people have more stress about traveling than others. In fact, “About 25% of the population are specifically anxious about travel,” Jessica Poitevien wrote on Condé Nast Traveler’s website. 

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Travel stress, however, is not the biggest reason for staying home for the holidays. Personal traditions for the holidays make it all the more important for people to stay home. There’s something about spending the holidays with your family and being in the comfort of your own home. 

Freshman Lauren Fieblekorn explains as she states, “It’s better because you get to see family. For Christmas, we go to my aunt’s house because she lives kind of nearby. It’s nice because we get to see that family.” 

A common aspect mentioned by many of the Rochester students and staff interviewed was the importance of their family holiday traditions which is common among families and friends nationwide. An article by Marie Haaland published in 2018 revealed results of a study which showed that “52 percent of Americans work to replicate holidays from their childhood, as they continue to celebrate the majority of traditions they had while growing up.”

Traditions also led people like RHS junior Michael Shultz to lean towards staying home. “That’s the tradition,” he said in an interview. “My family comes over for the holidays.” 

Like Shultz, many Americans spend the holidays with their families. It is seen as an opportunity to spend time with them, especially if they live far away. A study done by HomeAway Inc. revealed that “4 in 5 (84 percent) people will still spend Christmas with family,” even though the study also found, “61 percent anticipate arguing with immediate relatives.” 

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Chase Burlison, a sophomore at Rochester, also said that he prefers “staying home to see family members.” This response seems to be the most popular among interviewed Rochester High students and staff. However, the cold weather here in Michigan makes some students want to get out of the cold. For example, senior Jenna Arnold would rather spend the holidays somewhere warmer.

“Going away for the holidays is better,” Arnold responded. “I like that idea better because I like to be warm and it is not warm here around that time.”

Although the cold weather during the holidays can be bothersome, most students at Rochester prefer to stay home for the holidays. Spending time with family and friends, and engaging in family traditions are all key reasons for doing so. It really shows that Perry Como was right when he sang that “For the holidays you can’t beat home sweet home.”