RHS students find unique clothing at Salvation Army

Maggie Roehling, Business Manager

Amanda White wakes up Friday morning and desperately searches through her closet, looking for something to wear. Her tapestry hangs on her wall and decorative cloths drape over the ceiling. She picks her favorite cute T-shirt that she bought for a super low price. It’s in great condition, even though it’s secondhand.

“I absolutely love Salvation Army,” senior Amanda White said. “I’ve been there multiple times. I’ve purchased clothing like T-shirts, tapestries for the walls of my room, and jewelry. When I go to Salvation Army, I look for something that catches my eye or is very different and unique.”

White loves Salvation Army because of the high quality products and the affordable prices. Along with White, junior Julia Couch loves splurging on hand-me-downs from Salvation Army.

“I go to the Salvation Army once or twice a week,” Couch said. “It’s my favorite store because nowhere else ever has the same thing and I never know what I’ll find at Salvation Army. Basically 90 percent of my wardrobe is from Salvation Army. Since the summer I haven’t bought anything that isn’t secondhand.”

Couch never has anything specific in mind when she ventures into Salvation Army, but she knows what she loves and looks for the unique products that spark her interest.

“I never end up buying what I go in there for,” Couch said. “One time I went in there looking for a pair of jeans and came out with a hand knitted 70s sweater that is super rad.”

Senior Melanie Kelley agrees. She loves finding random gadgets and unique clothing that spice up her style and add to her daily life.

“For one, most everything at Salvation Army is weird,” Kelley said. “So it keeps things very interesting. One time I went there with my friend and he bought a full-out vintage organ for $22. Also, buying used clothes is great for the environment, as well as for accomplishing a very hipster look!”

Not only does Kelley love purchasing clothing to add to her closet, she also enjoys buying herself and friends original gifts from Salvation Army.

“I have purchased everything from Salvation Army, from big sweaters to circus waffle irons,” Kelley said. “When I go into Salvation Army I’m usually looking for something that probably shouldn’t be cool but I would try to pull off anyway…odd clothing. Most of the time I end up buying what I’m looking for, but with something else I didn’t even think of! One time I bought a creepy terra cotta sun for my friend’s birthday. I hate myself for cursing her with that thing.”

Like Kelley, senior Abby Hartwick loves buying random items and accessories that she sometimes struggles to find a use for.

“If I am ever going to Salvation Army to buy anything I’m looking for, I usually find it,” Hartwick said. “Salvation Army is such a good place to buy from because it’s cheap as heck and usually pretty decent quality. I don’t usually buy clothes from Salvation Army, but I usually just buy random things that look fun.”

Although finding a use for certain things can be a struggle, another sticky situation can be buying low-quality items.

“My least favorite thing I’ve bought there was a bracelet,” White said. “Because it broke the second day I wore it.”

Finding gems in Salvation Army is a skill that only some fashion-seekers have acquired. But whether you’re looking for an edgy leather jacket, or a colorful tapestry for behind your bed, Salvation Army probably has your back!