Being a Graduating Senior


Being a graduating senior is different for everyone. For some it’s a fresh start, or a way to leave a troubled home. And to many, it’s a chance to grow up.  But to most it means being on top of the school; being the “cool seniors”.


It all comes down to what has the last four years taught us?


As a graduating senior, some would like to think that as high school comes to an end, we are ready to face the mixes of emotions that come upon us. The lessons of integrity, dealing with time management, being in friend groups, club, and sports, and facing disappointment were all just practice. But looking our future all of these extracurricular’s were just stepping stones for a successful future. Advice to other graduating seniors is to get involved in college just as you did in high school. Be in the types of atmospheres you are comfortable in, and go from there. Being a part of a team, sorority or fraternity, or group in college can not only help make the best of your college experiences, but open some many opportunities for your future.


As a graduating senior we look back upon the memories made this final year together, and we revisit the time of that last thrilling football game against Stoney Creek, excitement of singing Karaoke as seniors during spirit week, and walking on stage for your award at Night with the Stars.


As a graduating senior, it’s the time our youth ends, and responsibility kicks in. And although it’s overwhelming, the best advice in this time is to stay organized, and stay on top of the world load you are given. Young adults need to take a breath and realize they have conquered four years of immense hard work and that college is just a step up from that. Examples are in high school we faced intense deadlines, in high school we had to deal with tough exams and in high school we had to juggle difficult schedules. It’s just about staying on top of academic responsibilities before you look to turning on Netflix or going out every night.


As a graduating senior, the feeling of reality rushes in. No more parents to ask for money, do your laundry,or cook your meals. No more teachers to look out for you, and communities to lean on for support. It’s not up to you to find support groups and earn money for your future. It’s the time for you to build your motivation and future, it’s no longer others pushing you.


Graduating seniors, once on top of the school, become the bottom of the food chain, and face new struggles that can be intimidating. But what a graduating senior needs to take into consideration, is that it’s an exciting time to branch out and move on.


Being a graduating senior doesn’t mean to freak out, because we all still have four more years college!