From tailgates, to the Falcon frenzy, to homecoming spirit days, some wonder how it’s possible to keep all the events going and there are two key student leadership groups behind these events: the student council and the class congresses. History teacher Mrs. Jessica Bastion is in charge of the sophomore class congress, a group of student leaders who wanted to be more involved in the school.
“In a way class council is if you wanted to do student council but it didn’t fit into your class schedule,” Mrs. Bastion said. “This is a great alternative. We work on class spirit, fundraisers, the winter pep assembly and more.”
The class congress has been busy lately with a variety of projects.
“Our focus recently was the eye blacks; the funds from that go toward class funds,” Mrs. Bastion said. “We also helped with the tailgate, falcon frenzy, lunch games and spirit days.”
Class congress members meet weekly outside of school.
“We meet during and after school during the week on Wednesdays and before school once in a while,” Mrs. Bastion said. “At meetings we find what we do to increase class spirit. We get organized for events like the tailgate and come up with ideas for more new and exciting things.”
Mrs. Bastion hopes class congress will encourage students to get involved.
“Our ultimate goal is simply to make Rochester a better place,” Mrs. Bastion said. “We want to increase school spirit and involve people.”