Solo & Ensemble 2018

Makenzie Shubnell, Editor-in-Chief

On Saturday, Jan. 13 and Saturday, Jan. 20, Rochester High School will hold hundreds of band students from Michigan’s 16th district, playing to achieve a worthy score. The event, Solo & Ensemble, is an annual competition that takes place at schools across Michigan, and brings recognition to those who perform to their highest potential.

Solo & Ensemble is an opportunity for band students from all grade levels to either form a small group or play a solo piece for a judge to receive a ranking for how well the piece is performed,” senior Lauren Jakobiak said. “The ratings are from one to five, a one being the best. Ones receive a blue medal and twos receive a red medal.”

The competitors range from a wide variety of groups to individual performers, all of which have been striving to perfect their pieces.

“Before school, around 6:30 in the morning, we meet together as a group to practice our piece,” said Jakobiak. “So if you see a band member walking through the band/theatre hallways with an instrument before school, this is what we are doing.”

The event is held every year, and is something that students can work towards with their friends and peers by their side. As the years come and go, it becomes a sentimental time for seniors especially.

“S&E is especially important to me this year because this is my last year I will be able to do something like this with every band member here at RHS,” Jakobiak said. “I have been involved in S&E since 7th grade and have performed with a small group every year. Playing together with my group is also a favorite of mine because I consider band members to be my second family, so when I’m performing with my group, I’m playing a piece with those I consider to be family.”

Solo & Ensemble is an event that brings together many of the bands in the local area, and awaits hopeful student performers as they prepare for their final results.

“My favorite part of S&E is seeing, hearing and watching performances of my peers,” Jakobiak said. “I hope the outcome will be all ones and twos for everyone who performs. Basically, I hope everyone gets a medal this year.”