10 movies every teen should watch

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Carly Craig, Circulation Manager

1.) “The Breakfast Club”

“The Breakfast Club” is a classic movie from 1985 that is all about finding who you are. Five kids who are each from a different social group are all stuck in detention on a Saturday. It at first appears that no one has anything in common, but later the kids find out that they’re not so different after all. Teenagers will be sure to relate to it because it’s comedic, emotional, and it shows you that it’s alright to be who you really are.

2.) “500 Days of Summer”

“500 Days of Summer” is a story of a man named Tom who falls for a woman named Summer who doesn’t believe in love. Tom thinks that their fooling around will lead to something more, but Summer doesn’t want anything out of the relationship other than a fun time. In this heartbreaking comedy, teenagers will take away the lesson that not everything works out the way you want, but it will always be fine in the end.

3.) “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

“The Perks of being a Wallflower” is an inspirational movie of a teen named Charlie who lost his best friend to suicide. Charlie is making his transition into high school, but is having a hard time due to depression. Throughout the movie senior misfits who were never accepted by their classmates befriend Charlie. Charlie finds friends, a love interest, and himself in this inspirational film. All teenagers have felt like they don’t belong before, and this movie will show that it gets better.

4.) “Elf”

“Elf” is the story of an orphan who was raised in the north pole. One day he overhears the other elves talking about him, and how he’s terrible at everything elves are supposed to be good at. Buddy goes to New York to find his biological father. Along the way, Buddy becomes more aware to the cruel world around him, but always finds a way to stay positive. Buddy teaches his serious father that humor and family are very important. It is a holiday movie, but it’s nice to watch all year long. Teens will love this movie because it brings humor to very real family problems, and shows that you’re never too old to reconnect with a loved one.

5.) “Mean Girls”

“Mean Girls” is about a girl named Cady who moves to Illinois from Africa. Everything is different in America, and Cady has a hard time adjusting. She finds friends- Janis and Damian, who are considered to be losers. Janis convinces Cady to become friends with Regina George, the most popular girl in the school to get back at her for middle school. Regina told everyone that Janis is a lesbian, and Janis has never been able to get over it. Cady gets pulled into all the drama of being popular, and starts blowing Janis and Damian off. Cady has to choose between popularity, and being who she really is with her true friends. Most teenagers have been faced with a difficult decision like this before, and this movie puts a comedic spin on an important lesson.

6.) “Sixteen Candles”

It’s Samantha Baker’s sixteenth birthday and her whole family has forgotten. Her grandparents are in town for her sister’s wedding, and they bring a foreign exchange student, Long Duk Dong with them. Sam gets stuck taking Long Duk Dong to her school dance. At the dance, she sees the boy of her dreams, Jake, dancing with his long time girlfriend. The school geek befriends her as she’s crying, and she goes home to put an end to the horrible day she’s had. In the end, everything works out well with her family, her friends, and Jake. Teenagers will relate to this movie because it reminds them to not change who we are for other people to respect us.

7.) “21 Jump Street”

Schmidt, the high school geek, and Jenko, the high school athlete, are reunited in training for the police academy eight years later. An unlikely friendship forms as these two help each other graduate the police academy. After they tried to make a drug arrest, and did not read the accused his Miranda Rights, Schmidt and Jenko are sent to 21 Jump Street to complete an undercover operation. The tables turn when they are sent back to high school where Schmidt becomes popular, and Jenko is a loser. Their friendship is tested as they work to find the school’s drug dealer, and navigate the pressures of different social groups. Teens will love this movie because it is absolutely hilarious, with a great plot about friendship and coming together for a common goal.

8.) “The Notebook”

The scene is set in the 1940’s where a poor teen named Noah falls in love with rich girl, Allie. They spend the summer together in South Carolina before Allie’s family returns to their home in Charleston. Noah fights in WWII, and Allie becomes a nurse to treat wounded soldiers. After seven years of being apart, Allie comes back to visit Noah before she gets married. Noah is still in love with her, but she must choose between her fiance and her teenage love. It’s one of the most recognized love stories of all time, and teens will be sure to take something away from it.

9.) “She’s All That”

Laney Boggs is your typical artistic hipster, who likes to fly under the radar. Zack Siler is the school jock who makes a bet with his best friend Dean that he can make any girl into the prom queen. After a quick look around the school, Laney is chosen as the girl for the bet. Zack and Laney grow closer, and Zack starts to realize that he’s made a mistake by taking the bet. Dean wants to win the bet, so he tells Laney the truth. Laney wants nothing to do with Zack, but Zack realizes he loves her. Laney has to decide if he’s worth the hurt. This movie is your typical teenage romance, that everyone should see at least once.

10.) “Sinister”

The Oswalts have just moved into a new house, where the dad Ellison, finds old videos of families being murdered. In each of the families, one child went missing after the murders. He is the only one in his family who is aware that these tapes exist, or that an entire family was murdered in their new house before they bought it. As the movie progresses, paranormal things begin happening in the Oswalt household. Ellison reaches out to a professor who specializes in the paranormal and finds out that there is a demon (Bughuul) who is responsible for possessing the children and having them murder their families. Ellison moves his family back to their old house immediately, where a detective calls him and informs him that the murders take place only after the families move. The movie ends in a chilling way, that should be addressed with caution. Teens will love this movie because it is absolutely horrifying and some teens love the thrill of horror movies. If you’re a teen who loves being scared, this is definitely the movie to watch.