Column: Siblings returning home from college are a blessing in disguise

Audrey Weber, Staff Writer

Since I was a kid, my siblings have always been a huge part of my life; you live in the same house, eat dinner together and rely on each other. There is a certain bond that can never be recreated and it lasts even after they leave for college.

In the last week, both of my siblings have returned home from school and it has been a significant change. Going from being the only child at home to having to share the bathroom with my sister requires a huge transition. Even more than that, my house has become more chaotic and frankly, messier.

Bickering is not a rare occurrence in many households. After being alone for nine months, the constant pandemonium can be overwhelming. Even the little things can become slightly annoying: my siblings’ friends staying over late or my sister forgetting to take her laundry out of the washer.

Still, I am incredibly lucky to have the relationship with my siblings that I do. Having them home reassures me that I always have someone by my side.

The time we spend together is always filled with laughter; they give me peace of mind. Just the other day my brother and I had a foam sword battle in our driveway before Mother’s Day brunch. It made me realize how much I appreciate the time I get to spend with my family, and encourages me to enjoy the good days.

Although having a full house is not always convenient, I would not trade the time that I get to spend with my siblings for anything. Being able to constantly have a role model and friend around the house is an indescribable experiences. Having my siblings away at college taught me to never take our relationship for granted. I am so lucky to have such influential people in my life.