“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” pleases long time fans

Jacob Lorenzo, Staff Writer

It’s finally here! The new Star Wars movie all Star Wars fans have been waiting for! J.J. Abrams’s spectacular, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” This movie picks up on the story that started 32 years ago and has lived up to expectation. The movie consists of totally new characters such as Kylo Ren and a new droid BB-8. Also it brings back a little taste of our favorite characters such as Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and Han Solo. After all the hype for the movie to come out, it definitely did not disappoint.

The new movie restores the comedy and action that Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace created. The Force Awakens is a mix of action-adventure and fun. People think that because Disney took over Lucasfilms for $4 billion, the movie would be a disgrace and the worst Star Wars movie ever. The fact is that Disney did an outstanding job with picking the right actors, wrote a terrific script, chose one of the best directors in the business, and the special effects made you feel like you were in the movie.

The Force Awakens re-awoke my love of the amazing series that I’ve loved since I was a kid and made me want to watch all the movies again. There aren’t many films that leave me grinning for 135 minutes, but this one did. And when Han Solo and Chewie came into the movie, I  had the best feeling of not knowing whether to burst into tears or applause. Bringing back those characters helped fans relive the experience they once did.

J.J. Abrams created a film which is both a progression from the previous 6 films. All of the adventures and problems the characters once faced is reborn in The Force Awakens. New twists of fears and ridiculous comedy, make fans fall in love once again.

All in all, Star Wars: The Force Awakens will go down as one of the greatest Star Wars movies. It’s a great movie for all ages that have seen all the original Star Wars movies. I would suggest seeing the original Star Wars movies first so you understand the characters and what’s going on. With the popularity of this movie, Disney better be ready to continue this legendary series.