Male students participate in “No-Shave November”
December 3, 2015
Every November of every year in recent memory, a good number of men and women have chosen to participate in the cultural phenomenon that is “No Shave November.” The ages of the participants vary from young adolescents with the ability to even grow some peach fuzz, to adults that can grow a “Duck Dynasty”-eque beard. Students at Rochester High are no strangers to seeing their male classmates participate in this event, but for some, not shaving is a normal habit.
“I kind of live a no-shave year round lifestyle,” senior Chris Russell said. “It seemed natural that I would pretend I was just doing this for November.”
For others, they participated because they wanted to show off their facial hair prowess.
“If you can grow it, you should definitely show it,” senior Sam Howe said.
Sometimes, there are certain circumstances where a young man can’t go through the vigors of “No-Shave November” and must shave.
“My beard was too much of a distraction in class,” senior Josh Agoubi said. “My teachers asked me to shave it because people were getting too amazed by it.”
Other students who would be interested in participating simply can’t.
“I would totally do it,” sophomore Tommy Hawes said, “but I can’t grow facial hair anyway so what’s the point.”
Part of the “no shave” lifestyle is dealing with what your friends, family and maybe a significant other think about it.
“My girlfriend loves it, which is part of the reason I keep the beard around,” Russell said. “My Mom is fine with it as long as it doesn’t get too scruffy, and I’m pretty sure my brother is just jealous of it.”
For others, however, the people close to them in their lives don’t always appreciate greatness.
“Yeah, my girlfriend doesn’t feel too strongly about it,” Howe said. “My parents don’t mind, but they think I look a little less civilized.”
While the opinion of those close to you should be what matters most, the perception among your peers, particularly females for the guys, is influential at times.
“I hate ‘No-Shave November,’” senior Bella Jin said. “Guys look ridiculous, ugly and hairy and I don’t like them.”
Although there are those that don’t like it, not everyone is a hater of this lifestyle choice.
“I like when guys don’t shave their facial hair,” senior Bailey Webb said. “When a guy can pull it off ,it’s really cute.”
While many male students participate because it’s fun to share this lifestyle choice with their peers, the true meaning of “No-Shave November” is lost on many. The goal of “No-Shave November” is to grow awareness by embracing one’s hair, which many cancer patients lose, by letting it grow wild and free. You are then supposed to donate the money you typically spend on shaving and grooming.
“I’m not totally for full beards, like I don’t find that really attractive,” senior Amanda Szczesniak said, “but it’s for a good cause so if guys want to do it, it’s great.”

Senior Chris Russell, a regular at not shaving, shows his signature “chin-strap” beard.

Senior Sam Howe shows off his facial hair growth prowess.

Senior Josh Agoubi unfortunately had to shave, but at least he still looks good.

Senior Trevor Muir is also no stranger to the no-shave lifestyle.