Teacher cook-offs have become a new way to promote staff bonding at RHS. The November casserole cook-off will take place on Wed., Nov. 19 and will highlight the flavors of fall.
Family and consumer sciences teacher Mrs. Alice Anglin is looking forward to the competition.
“My casserole is a delightful and satisfying fall or winter meal, complete with veggies and protein,” Mrs. Anglin said.
While some teachers look forward to competing, others look forward to judging the winners and hanging out with colleagues in Mrs. Joyce Russell’s foods room during lunch.
“The casserole cook off is a fun and easy way for staff to have a homemade lunch and spend some time together during their busy days and take a load off,” Mrs. Anglin said.
Mrs. Anglin hopes to see cook-off events like this continue in the future.
“It provides short moments where we get a chance to relax, laugh together and create fond memories,” Mrs. Anglin said. “I signed up to participate in the cook off because I don’t want them to go away. We can only do these special activities if staff members volunteer to participate.”