RATS: “Anything Goes” Fall Musical
Cast, crew and pit work together to put together fall musical.

November 16, 2022
The production of Anything Goes is in full swing as cast and crew dedicate time towards making the musical as close to perfection as possible. The cast has rehearsed the show multiple times in an effort to make it flawless before dress rehearsals begin. The dedication is nothing short of incredible while the cast has been preparing to perform the show later this month. Mr. Gollon, Mrs Lykins and Mr. Miesch have been beyond helpful to the cast by giving them pointers to polish their talents. The cast is making amazing progress: starting to perform full acts accompanied by live instrumentals. Mr. Urhig started to join rehearsals with the pit orchestra to get a feel on what the show is going to look like and has made incredible strides. The Pit has been practicing for well over a month and are now performing with the cast. Students blew it out of the water with their amazing skills and talent. All of this would be for nothing, however, if it wasn’t for the amazing crew of the Rochester Alliance of Theatrical Students (“RATS”).
The crews at RATS have been tirelessly preparing for the last 3 months in preparation for the show. The tech students have been showing new members how the show runs and explaining their specific role in the musical. The stage crew has been working from the beginning of the school year on the set as there are many different set pieces and huge platforms to be built. Other crews, such as lights and sound, have been showing new members how their tech works. They do not usually have tech members begin their work until a couple of weeks before the show. Now that sound and lights have most of their tools and supplies, they have been able to start putting most of it together to create all the sound effects and lighting cues for the show. The effort that RATS puts into Anything Goes is nothing short of remarkable. When showtime arrives, the cast and crew’s talent and dedication will truly shine through.
- November 17th, 2022, 7PM
- November 18th, 2022, 7PM
- November 19th, 2022, 2PM AND 7PM
- November 20th, 2022, 4PM
YOU CAN GET THEM AT THE LINK HERE →https://www.ratstheatre.org/tickets.html