Snow Days have to make a comeback
December 18, 2020
It’s been such a busy week, you wake up stressed from a long night of homework and don’t even want to wake up and get your morning coffee.
Then comes the beloved ding on your cell phone alerting the best news: A gift from Mother Nature. A break. A Snowday.
Winter is a nice season, but at the same time it can be a season of troubles and stress and normally every year we get a few beloved days off because of it snowing so much outside. This year however because of Covid-19 a majority of our school is done online through zoom and google classroom.
This makes a lot of us question what will happen with snow days and or if we will have them this year and what the future will look like now that we know how to do school online.
The district should continue to have snow days even if we have to do school online because the administration always has to go to the school early in the morning anyway, and it would not be safe to go out onto the roads if they were slippery and wet.
Additionally, I think we should get snow days because everyone deserves a little break and having snow days could help a lot of students catch back up with their work and sleep.
We all probably have a snow day memory and I always remembered going sledding with my neighbors whenever we had a snow day.
In a letter that went viral this week, Superintendent of Jefferson County school district in West Virginia Bondy Shay Gibson wrote: “It has been a year of seemingly endless loss and the stress of trying to make up for that loss. For just a moment, we can all let go of the worry of making up for the many things we missed by making sure this is one thing our kids won’t lose this year … So please, enjoy a day of sledding and hot chocolate and cozy fires. Take pictures of your kids in snow hats they will outgrow by next year and read books that you have wanted to lose yourself in, but haven’t had the time. We will return to the serious and urgent business of growing up on Thursday, but for tomorrow … go build a snowman.”
I think that in the future we will have snow days again, but I hope we still have them while we are doing online school because everyone likes a good wake up call saying we have a free day.